
[CyberGon CTF 2024] WriteUp

고간디 2024. 12. 14. 13:26

Solved some Osint' and a Stegano, Crypto, Reconnaissance



Favorite Journal

The Statue










Secure Life



Favorite Journal

A page of the journal is provided


ชเวธาเวย์ Vol. 45 ฉบับที่ 15 Thingyan ล้มลง ลุกขึ้น ลุกขึ้

ชเวธาเวย์ Vol. 45 ฉบับที่ 15 Thingyan ล้มลง ลุกขึ้น ลุกขึ้นชเวธาเวย์ Vol. 45 ฉบับที่ 15 Thingyan ล้มลง ลุกขึ้น ลุกขึ้

Using Google Lenz and translation, we can find it was a page of 'Shwe Thway Vol. 45 and No.15'

We have to find its published date and print house registrantion number of Vol.1 and No.1


Haytha Yu Mon - Shwe Thway Vol. 01, 1969

ရွှေသွေးဂျာနယ် အတွဲ ၁ အမှတ် ၁ မှ ၂၆ ၊ ၁၉၆၉ ခုနှစ် Shwe Thway Vol. 01, 01-26, 1969


From here we can find Vol.1 and No.1 pdf scan file


The cover of Vol.1 and No.1 

On left-bottom side, the published date is written

But google translation does not working well..


So I searched Myanmar language and translated myself

It says published April 1st in 1969


Last page has information of printing house

Using Google image text translation, it was printed at the Temple of Literature Printing House

Registration Number is 0032


So we can make flag



I'm not familiar with foreign languages, so it took a long time..



The Statue

The image of statue was given


We can find where it is easily by using Google Lenz


In Google Map its name is 'Maha Bodhi Ta Htaung Standing Buddha'


Large square tiles in front of stairs are approximately three

So if you pin four blocks ahead of stairs given camera angle, you can get 22.0801, 95.2885 coordinations





Vacation (1)

A png file was given but cannot open it


Opening it with 010Editor, the following four letters after 'ftyp' means what type of this image

So this file is HEIC file, the general HEIF image


If you take a photo with Galaxy Phone or something, that photo file type is HEIF file

But we can't open it with Window default photo viewer


Using Online Converter, you can convert HEIF to PNG

By using Google Lenz, you can guess here is Ha Long in Vietnam easily


We can get some hints through the direction of the Ferris wheel and the roller coaster rails

Find a place with a roller coaster facing the Ferris wheel


There are two buildings but i think the photo was taken at left building of above screenshot

But they are same hotel so hotel's name is 'Muong Thanh Luxury Ha Long Centre Hotel'


 CYBERGON_CTF2024{Muong Thanh Luxury Ha Long Centre Hotel, Ha Long, Vietnam}





PNG file cannot be opened


We can guess it is png file format through IHDR and RGB etc.

But without File Signature


PNG file's Signature Hex is '89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A'


After adding file signature you can get correct image file withour error

And the flag is fully displayed in image








from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long
from math import gcd

FLAG = flag.encode()

out = open('output.txt', 'w')

rsa_q = getPrime(512)
rsa_p = getPrime(512)   
n = rsa_q * rsa_p
exp1 = 0x10003 #65539
exp2 = 0x10001 #65537

assert gcd(exp1, exp2) == 1
assert gcd(exp1, n) == 1
assert gcd(exp2, n) == 1

def encryption(plaintext):
    cip1 = pow(plaintext, exp1, n)
    cip2 = pow(plaintext, exp2, n)
    return (cip1, cip2)

cip1, cip2 = encryption(bytes_to_long(FLAG))

out.write("n = "+ str(n)+ "\ncip1 = "+ str(cip1)+ "\ncip2 = "+str(cip2))

Encoding code and output txt file including n, cip1 and cip2 are given

Simple RSA challenge


gcd function is for getting greatest common divisor


from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes

n = 157508528276758767638734754424621334466394815259243977959210580239577661657714722726225362774231543920376913579658052494826650164280151836289734452590647102313381584133512835595817708427222746495824286741840967127393187086028742577763080469063534742728547285121808241078515099307495843605080694383425986909029
cip1 = 69950256754119187070741220414057295159525964023691737870808579797990094306696842507546591858691032981385348052406246203530192324935867616305070637936848926878022662082401090988631324024964630729510728043900454511012552105883413265919300434674823577232105833994040714469215427142851489025266027204415434792116
cip2 = 26975575766224799967239054937673125413993489249748738598424368718984020839138611191333159231531582854571888911372230794559127658721738810364069579050102089465873134218196672846627352697187584137181503188003597560229078494880917705349140663228281705408967589237626894208542139123054938434957445017636202240137
e1 = 65539
e2 = 65537

def extended_gcd(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return a, 1, 0
    g, x1, y1 = extended_gcd(b, a % b)
    x = y1
    y = x1 - (a // b) * y1
    return g, x, y

_, x, y = extended_gcd(e1, e2)

m1 = pow(cip1, x, n)
m2 = pow(cip2, y, n)
m = (m1 * m2) % n

flag = long_to_bytes(m)
print("FLAG:", flag.decode())

Using extended euclidean algorithm, you can decode flag

Actually I didn't understand this algorithm at all.. so I just use it mechanically;;





Chill Bro

Given some human postures image

At first, I tried to match some alphabet to each postures but cannot progress anymore


This CTF was so hard for me (I am beginner), so I read some writeups in 2023 CyberGon CTF

And then I found there are soooo many kind of symbols ciphers in dCode site


I found it is dancing men cipher

Decoding it, get flag





Secure Life

certificate.der file was given

I'm not familiar with this file format but as i searched, it used as certification key or data


You can just open this file in Windows, and view expiration date and time


But when I solve this challenge, I didn't think to open the file in windows directly

I thought it will not open well


So I used to parse this file

And found date estimated as expiration





엄청 오랜만에 CTF 풀어봤다

반수하다 오니까 감이 다 뒤진 것 같다;;

괜히 했나.. 1년간 변화가 없다


웹이고 포렌식이고 분야도 다양하고 문제도 되게 많아서 많이 시도해봤는데 될 것 같으면서도 안 되는게 많았다

결국 하나도 못 풀었는데 끝나고 디코에서 사람들 하는 얘기 들어보니까 너무 허무하게 풀리는 것들이었다

대부분 플래그 얻기 바로 전 단계에서 막혀서 좀 아쉬웠다


아무튼 영어 공부도 좀 할 겸 영어로 써봤는데 제대로 쓴 건지 모르겠다

문제도 어렵지 않은 것만 풀었고 사진만 봐도 이해가 갈 터이니 그냥 별 신경 쓰지 않기로 한다
